Hard to believe it's been a year since we said "I do".
Cory made me a wonderful dinner the night before our anniversary, it was a recreation of our wedding dinner, roast and all the fixings, even homemade bread.
We've learned a lot about each other in the last year. Most people say the first year is the hardest. We've crossed some obstacles this year, between sickness, migraines, and our struggle with fertility... I think we both spent some time going back to the day we married to remember what we said in our vows.
I wrote our wedding ceremony, everything right down to the commas and periods came from me. I meant every word, I know he did as well. We've found strength and sorrow together. We've fervently hoped to be parents, we've faced cancer in a family, debt, nothing ever going right, and held on. I would say these vows all over again.. because today, they have even more meaning.
I, Kelly, choose you, Cory.. as my best friend, my love for life.
Today I give myself to you in marriage.
I promise to encourage and inspire you, to laugh with you,
and to comfort you in times of sorrow and struggle.
I promise to love you in good times and in bad,
when life seems easy and when it seems hard,
when our love is simple, and when it is an effort.
promise to be faithful to you, I promise to love you, commit to you and support
From this day forward, you shall not walk alone. My heart will be your shelter
and my arms will be your home. As I have given you my hand to hold, I give you
my life to keep.